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We carry in our hearts the empathy and compassion of our ancestors.  Okinawans have seen their homeland invaded, conquered, and devastated and their identity and culture threatened.  We hope not to forget that our adopted home is the homeland of other peoples who have survived worse experiences. As such, we open our hearts to embrace other travelers in our journey through time and space in NCOKK.

We strive to move other people’s hearts with our culture as we are moved by other’s cultures.

Our Mission

Aspires to follow the themes of movement and motion as we feel the heartbeat of our members who have traveled from the faraway homeland of Okinawa.

SF Cherry Blossom Parade Group -
Cherry Blossom Parade 219.jpg

Our Vision

We endeavor to move with the changes in this dynamic adopted home by bringing together the collective wisdom of our elders and dazzling energy of our youth.

We Need Your Support Today!

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